Tuesday, October 6, 2009

HALO ALL!!!!!!!...(malay post)

Wahhh....dh lame gler tk post.......
nk cite psal ap eh?....
dh raye
collection pn okae lh....
rezeki smua org this year meluak-luak....XD
wlwpn ekonomi bwh jato...(??!)

okae kac hghlites je k

bbrape minggu lalu....

anta poject mcm2....
pas tu ad gy jln2 pt geylang..
beli baju raye wif my fwenZ.....
kaler HIJAU BANANA....
mcm boley lh...
$25 je...
murah kn2?
lawa pulak tu....
my fwenZ nampk je
bt me yg choose...XP
to fwenZ (( maen2 je....kw choose paling MAOT akh..thnx))
jln sane sni....
jumpe my fwenZ `s friend....
dorg bobal2...
aku kt blakang ke-boring-an.....
jumpe my other fweNz...
dier bwk friend dier...
bla4 lgy....
nk tawu pe jdy?.....
i went n pang.....
eh salah....
i went home lh...


Sunday, September 13, 2009

what do boys thinks........

hey people this is so cute..........

This is really sweet...

When a boy is quiet ... millions of things are running in his mind.

When a boy is not arguing ... he is thinking deeply.

When a boy looks at u with eyes full of questions ... he is wondering how long you will be around.

When a boy answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds ... he is not at all fine.

When a boy stares at you ... he is wondering why you are lying.

When a boy let you lays on his chest .... he is wishing for you to be his forever.

When a boy wants to see you everyday... he wants to be yours 4eva.

When a boy says ' I love you ' ... he means it.

When a boy says ' I miss you ' ... no one in this world can miss you more
than that.

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person....

Find a Guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

Who calls you back when you hang up on him...

Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep....

Wait for the guy who ...kisses your forehead...

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats...

Who holds your hand in front of his friends...

Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you...

Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! '

Monday, July 13, 2009

dear TOAWTDYY(think of a word to describe you yourself) readers,

so today is monday......not much happened but it was sure a TOUGH day for some of us....here is the proof

seee......i told you....but somehow a theory of formula came to me out of nowhere...

You see...we had been playing soccer for the past 2 weeks.....but today we are out of it ('it' here is a SOCCERBALL)....so here is the conclusion.....

let x be the ball(SOCCERBALL) & y = 'we'......the equation is something like this:y+x=energy...so without x,there is no energy,causing 'we' to suffer.......(surely i'm typing shit)......hahaha....

~peace...may 'we' had what it takes to survive another day without a ball (SOCCERBALL)

星期日(2009年12月7日)....[I just learnt]

dear always healthy & cheerful (insya'allah) readers,

okae let us start with what happened on the morning of Sunday [12072009].......

it seems to be raining during the dawn....i was awaken by the 'melodiuos' voice of my mother...it was 0930 hrs....my father would be back soon....as fast as i could, i grabbed my towel and rushed into the bathroom.....*skip**skip*.......1105hrs my family reached the Islamic Hub (i would prefer E hub).....we went around a bit & i bump(ed) into some of my old & new friends (out of all place...hai)....that my father sent me to Toa Payoh HDB Hub (Mall) where YESCOM was held (konon nk support).....met with my old & new friends (again).....as the time tic-tock(ing),i realised that i may get more grounded(ing) if i don`t make it home before 6......i quickly (tpy sempat singgah CHEERS & then patah balik kt tempat YESCOM to salam2 org2 yg aku knl....) take my queue and soon i was on my journey home.....30 mins from toa payoh, i reached home.....*sigh*...should have waited for the double decker bus.....so bla bla bla bla i did my homework till 0230hrs...plan to sleep during recess and went to sleep.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

A story about FWENSHIP.....

dear FANtastic readers,

this post is written in malay & my really close friend sent this to me (via text mxg [SMS] duhh...)...
so i'll sharing it with everyone (who read this post).....

it started like this:

Suatu hari , CINTA & KAWAN sedang berjalan2 di kampong.....tiba-tiba...
CINTA jatuh ke dalam telaga....

Kerana CINTA itu buta..
lalu KAWAN pun terjun dalam telaga..

Kerana KAWAN akan buat ape saje demi CINTA...
Di dalam telaga CINTA hilang...

Kerana CINTA itu halus & mudah hilang kalau tidak dijaga..
apatah lagi sukar di cari di dalam telaga yg gelap..
WAlaupun gelap,KAWAN tetap mencari CINTA..

kerana KAWAN itu sejati & akan kekal sebagai kawan..kan..kan..

so hargai lah KAWAN anda...walaupun ada teman istemewa.......KAWAN lah yg lagi SETIA...

ucap SAYANG bukan hanya untuk kekasih,tetapi utk KWN2 JUGA....
Jaaadi ucap kn lah perkataan SAYANG pada KAWAN-KAWAN anda.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why do SOME people had to act to impress others?!

dear 'jgn ambil hati' readers,

this is just a RANDOM question.It has nothing to do with jealousy or felony or anything link to bad stuff......

regarding the tittle, i am CURIOUS ( & always be...& i'm not a 'juru/maha/tataKEPO') on the behaviour of SOME human I (somehow) noticed....

do these people have to act because they were afraid of being rejected?..or lacked of confidence?..or they just don't seem to like showing their TRUEself.....hmmmm....if they don't show their REALLY TRUEself,they maybe in BIG TROUBLE ....But they may having a DARK experience.....who noes?........

for me & a FWENZ (don't noe about the rest) prefer to be natural...no faking ourself....like me (for example).....stay the way i am no matter what....people may say that i'm rude bla bla bla......but that is me...accept or reject not my problem (well it not my prob but i do MIND)....


dear 'juru' readers,

it seems to be a pretty normal day only that i think that (for the first time) students (this morning) were having not monday blues but TUESDAY BLUES....(hahaha)......(surely a lame one)....

so here how today began.......

reached school around 0703 hrs...got myself snipe(d)...that settle down at the canteen...soon went up to class...(without any reason) I shook hand with all my friends (like it was my last day)...surely not because i`m here to stay.....somehow during the first period in class ( excluding me & 8 more students) didn't not did their homework....W.T.Fish......guess my class were 'mahabahasa' in malay...one of my FWENZ said "....aku salah masok bla bla bla bla...."(as i wasn't at my fullest concentration lately due to the side effect of getting GROUNDED,i don't remember most of it)....it was a 'tata' waste of time getting scolded...their (friends) reasons were obvious....foolscap abes lh....lupe lh....(only one thing they did say......pen abes ink.....hahaha).....

after school,I intend to just follow my FWEN so I would not be wandering around and getting my punishment to be permanent.....well i could see a little bit of delightful(ness) on my father face when i reached home early....(keep up my good work)...

i thought the PCK song had made singaporeans showing courtesy but it didn't really...while waiting for my bus,this makcik with a little budak (they are malay & the little budak isn't so little already 4 years plus)...stand right infront of the queueing passenger...(rude)....the makcik even threw her can drink aside just like that....(super rude)....she even ran for the bus eventhough she already cut the Q...(okae maharude)......
