Tuesday, June 9, 2009


dear (put a word you like) readers,

Week one of school holiday had passed...now is week two....time seems to move so slow....there are three theories that i had thought of.......

theory number 1

it could be cause by the enviroment.....on which three of my fwens are on a holiday trip...while i`m stuck here with YOU-KNOW-WHO (no clues?.....here's a hint..._OL)....so me+_OL ---->under a condition of 'stuck here in s`pore' enviroment-----> is equal to MENDAK!!!!

thus the equation would be something like this: y(I+_OL)=MENDAK!!!!,where y is the 'stuck here in s'pore' enviroment

theory number 2

5 month a student's life was filled with so many activities that some even had forgotten what is FUN.....(hopefully none of you had encountered or will encounter this)........so when holiday came by......it may be hard for a student to blend with the holiday thingy.....

thus this equation would be : (5m)(1mh)= undefined,where 1mh stands for 1 month holiday) (note that this equation can only be applied to a 100% COMMITTED STUDENT)

for those who are less/not committed : [(5m)(1mh)] / (5m) =1mh which also = FUN(:

theory number 3

some of us (not me) already gearing up for the next semester....their brains (not mine) are reaching a point at which potential energy is at the highest (what that suppose to do with MY theory) did nothing but study maths for those who failed in the mid-year ( that would [not] be me)....

as for this equation i find it (quite unacceptable as it) not my original formula but here it is : e=(mc)(mc) ,where e is 'everything' & mc is 'maths calculation'

(wow i did not know that i am so brilliant....this could be the next BIG thing.....hahaha)


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