dear already know about this readers,
i`m not a fan of this now gone superstar but i only like his song clip entittled 'Thriller' or something...about zombies and all that all i know about him...hahaha...
or one more thing...the last time i heard his name (before he die) was when @ the bahas....hahaha,...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
TRANSFORMERS:Revenge Of The Fallen
dear auto-cons reader,

the last picture was kinda blur because my 'stand' which is alive moved......
the movie was wicked awesome....there was the DEVASTATOR ( all constructecon combined).....and there were like a huge population of transformers all over the world.....and we (my FWENZ & i) catched/watched this movie @ the cathay......
the movie was so awesome that one of my FWENZ had a pain on the neck....(didn`t i tell you yet?...we were sittin on the front & first row)...hahaha....then as we were on our way out we found this FAKE transformers.....

the last picture was kinda blur because my 'stand' which is alive moved......
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
BAHAS : hua hua hua
dear readers,
HAHAHAHAHA....never thought that bahas could be full of laughter ( and i mean FULL of laughter)....the first semi-final was already half-way when i arrived with my FWENZ....
when the 2nd semi-final started started(NGEE ANN POLY face off AL - JUNIED), it was a very hot schorcing debate i had ever seen and attended(actually this was my first time).....both side have good debaters....and there was many 'pantun' but i only remembered this one by Mr Redha (al-junied) said :
dulu kita mandi di tepi perigi,
skrg kita mandi siap jamban lagy.....
HAHAHAHAHA,laughed the audience.....
they were debating about 'ILMU SAINS MENDATANGKAN LEBIH MASALAH DARIPADA MENYELESAIKAN'...or something like that........then Al-junied best debater countered his opponent, upon he (the opponent) said that car made by science causes accident, by saying in malay & slamber manner "Sains telah menyediakan lampu trafik tuan"(something like that)...hahahahaha.....
the final would be on the 24t july 2009 or on the 26 july (not sure) face off raffles junior college....
HAHAHAHAHA....never thought that bahas could be full of laughter ( and i mean FULL of laughter)....the first semi-final was already half-way when i arrived with my FWENZ....
when the 2nd semi-final started started(NGEE ANN POLY face off AL - JUNIED), it was a very hot schorcing debate i had ever seen and attended(actually this was my first time).....both side have good debaters....and there was many 'pantun' but i only remembered this one by Mr Redha (al-junied) said :
dulu kita mandi di tepi perigi,
skrg kita mandi siap jamban lagy.....
HAHAHAHAHA,laughed the audience.....
they were debating about 'ILMU SAINS MENDATANGKAN LEBIH MASALAH DARIPADA MENYELESAIKAN'...or something like that........then Al-junied best debater countered his opponent, upon he (the opponent) said that car made by science causes accident, by saying in malay & slamber manner "Sains telah menyediakan lampu trafik tuan"(something like that)...hahahahaha.....
the final would be on the 24t july 2009 or on the 26 july (not sure) face off raffles junior college....
dear zoo-licious readers,
it was raining drizzily (renyai in malay) and i was lost for a while in my cousin's car as he drove us (my uncle,aunty,my cousin's wife & ME) to the ZOO.....hahaha
as we entered the zoo,we were welcome by this furry animal...

actually there was a lot but i did took any pictures of them....(tired lah)........don't believe the proof
still not convinced?'s another one
ops wrong picture.....haha
5 days 'homestay' at Tampines....(:
dear preapared & unpreapared for school readers,
wohoo!!!!!.....finally i enjoyed my i did (done) things that i long(ed) to do during schooling......that is (maybe are) sleep over at my uncle's house,get to be a little bit 'independent' & most of all i had gotten rid of the 'MENDAK'.....
here what had happened.....
DAY 1(18/06/2009)
it was thursday...and my uncle and his family routine is to go to Masjid Ba`Alwi(is this how it is spelt?) i followed them as well.....& when we went back home....i didn`t slept until 7 am the next day.....haha...
went for my friday prayer at Masjid Ghufran (it has been a long time since i prayed here)......that....(actually i had forgotten what had happened that day)
my sister came.....i didn`t went out because i don`t have enough cash.....) spent my time taking care my nephews and nieces..(i`m a proud uncle....lmao)
I WENT TO THE ZOO....WOHOOO.....(read it on my next post)
it was the end of my stay.....but i went to tampines library and watched,listened & laughed as Al-Junied student won the semi-final....(read about it on my next next post)....
wohoo!!!!!.....finally i enjoyed my i did (done) things that i long(ed) to do during schooling......that is (maybe are) sleep over at my uncle's house,get to be a little bit 'independent' & most of all i had gotten rid of the 'MENDAK'.....
here what had happened.....
DAY 1(18/06/2009)
it was thursday...and my uncle and his family routine is to go to Masjid Ba`Alwi(is this how it is spelt?) i followed them as well.....& when we went back home....i didn`t slept until 7 am the next day.....haha...
went for my friday prayer at Masjid Ghufran (it has been a long time since i prayed here)......that....(actually i had forgotten what had happened that day)
my sister came.....i didn`t went out because i don`t have enough cash.....) spent my time taking care my nephews and nieces..(i`m a proud uncle....lmao)
I WENT TO THE ZOO....WOHOOO.....(read it on my next post)
it was the end of my stay.....but i went to tampines library and watched,listened & laughed as Al-Junied student won the semi-final....(read about it on my next next post)....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
HERO-HEWO yg (sumpah) penipu,perosak,pengotor,pemalas yg tk phm bahase pn ada & mcm2 lagy..
dear super-duper-amazing-fantastic(ally) readers
Spider-man dh spray web sni saner bukan nk tolong bersih kan.....tawu lah org2 smua tk bayar dier..tap sape suroh dier jad superhero?...pakcik dier?....pakcik dier cume kac nasihat je.....
Cicak-man nie lagy satu pengotor punye superhero....perangai mangkuk....jilat sane..jilat sini....kang kene flu CICAK ke demam CICAK ke penyakit CICAK giler ke mcm maner
HULK bile mara je smua barang nk hancur kn......mampos org2 di sekeliling dier....kene gy anger management course.....lagy pn nk slmt kn owg tu berpatutan lah skit....
WOLVERINE yg nie nk kene be careful skit.....JGN BILANG RAHSIA KOWG KT SI DINI....nanty kowg-korg punye rahsia dier bilang...korg ley uat pe (slain berdoa)....nk bnoh?....mustahil....dier ada claw...boley regen...nmpk ye korg lah yg maty.....hahaha
SUPERMAN nie korg-kowg smua tawu....dier bodoh & perosak hak masyarakat....bodoh psal pkaian dalam tu tk yah tayang-tayang kn lah(including kwn rapat dier BATMAN).....perosak psl jarang dier slamat kt org tanpe pecah kn barang2 awam... keadaan ekonomi yg merosot gni sape nk byar ganti rugy?.....
ada byk lagy tapy dh malas nk continue taip post yg ini psal kowg-korg ley tw kn yg lain hero punye perangai..... kowg tk tw....tnye pat cbox....thanx
Spider-man dh spray web sni saner bukan nk tolong bersih kan.....tawu lah org2 smua tk bayar dier..tap sape suroh dier jad superhero?...pakcik dier?....pakcik dier cume kac nasihat je.....
Cicak-man nie lagy satu pengotor punye superhero....perangai mangkuk....jilat sane..jilat sini....kang kene flu CICAK ke demam CICAK ke penyakit CICAK giler ke mcm maner
HULK bile mara je smua barang nk hancur kn......mampos org2 di sekeliling dier....kene gy anger management course.....lagy pn nk slmt kn owg tu berpatutan lah skit....
WOLVERINE yg nie nk kene be careful skit.....JGN BILANG RAHSIA KOWG KT SI DINI....nanty kowg-korg punye rahsia dier bilang...korg ley uat pe (slain berdoa)....nk bnoh?....mustahil....dier ada claw...boley regen...nmpk ye korg lah yg maty.....hahaha
SUPERMAN nie korg-kowg smua tawu....dier bodoh & perosak hak masyarakat....bodoh psal pkaian dalam tu tk yah tayang-tayang kn lah(including kwn rapat dier BATMAN).....perosak psl jarang dier slamat kt org tanpe pecah kn barang2 awam... keadaan ekonomi yg merosot gni sape nk byar ganti rugy?.....
ada byk lagy tapy dh malas nk continue taip post yg ini psal kowg-korg ley tw kn yg lain hero punye perangai..... kowg tk tw....tnye pat cbox....thanx
Ever wonder.......
dear ever-wondering-what-i'm writing-this-time readers,
this idea or thoughts 'came' to me by here is one question i would like to ask you......
1) he is shy man,
2) an accident causes his face to turn into a hideous man & covered it up with a mask,
3) he had to hide himself from ceti haram (ah long) because of 'unsettled' debt (fyi he used the money to buy a spaceship)
4) he is a big fan of the malay band AMOK...(jiwe AMOK terlampau)
5) as a super-villain,he could not tell his enemy he having asthma so he used the mask as an inhaler to cover up.....(hahaha)
6) his breath is unexpectedly horrible.......
7) he had fell once in his lifetime as a kid and accidentally had his head stucked in a spoilt pilot helmet...(yg korg-kowg nmpk kt tv/wayang tu dh upgrade....)
8) he was born with no protection to his brain....(cian...cian)
9) he wore specs...& to make sure he 'looks' fearless he wore the helmet....
10) finally he don't have an identity...
~MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU~ - obi wan kenobi
this idea or thoughts 'came' to me by here is one question i would like to ask you......
here's are some reason why:
1) he is shy man,
2) an accident causes his face to turn into a hideous man & covered it up with a mask,
3) he had to hide himself from ceti haram (ah long) because of 'unsettled' debt (fyi he used the money to buy a spaceship)
4) he is a big fan of the malay band AMOK...(jiwe AMOK terlampau)
5) as a super-villain,he could not tell his enemy he having asthma so he used the mask as an inhaler to cover up.....(hahaha)
6) his breath is unexpectedly horrible.......
7) he had fell once in his lifetime as a kid and accidentally had his head stucked in a spoilt pilot helmet...(yg korg-kowg nmpk kt tv/wayang tu dh upgrade....)
8) he was born with no protection to his brain....(cian...cian)
9) he wore specs...& to make sure he 'looks' fearless he wore the helmet....
10) finally he don't have an identity...
~MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU~ - obi wan kenobi
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
dear hopefully-healthy-germs-free readers,
I spent nights & days (trying to grab some attention here) trying to figure out the 'DISEASES' that had causes some of my friends were defeated by it.....they came in many shapes & sizes..but one thing is certain........the disease itself came from the student habits & are some of it....the most common diseases student are facing everyday @ school.....
meet the 'tak kesah' influenza a.k.a T1K5N1
the symptoms: when a friend reminded you or asked you about your homework which should be handed in within an hour ,your reply would sound something like this " alah,tak penting akh" or "malas akh" etc.
treatment: remind yourself everyday or simply do the following: grabbed your handphone/telephone & dialled your friend`s home/mobile number & asked him?her in case you had forgotten.......
here another one it is called 'tawakal sudah' syndrome
symptoms: when asked about your preparation for the upcoming test YOUR answer obviously would be "takde mase tawakal sudah" etc.
treatment: well most synddrome couldn`t be cured & they said it is impossible but i did it....i managed to find a cure....i had proven that nothing is impossible.....mix with friends that had plan a step ahead...not those who plan an hour ahead...this is for STUDYING ONLY....HANGING OUT is different.....
despite this H1N1 disease is spreading worldwide....there this one disease that is much more dangerous that the SWINE's the
TMNB genes....aka 'TAK MINAT NAK BELAJAR' genes...(oo i almost scared myself)
this genes isn't the same genes you learnt in science classes but this one evolve within someone who lost sight of the knowledge....too bad this one (for those who has it) you alone can decide,friends & I can only support you.....
scared about these diseases?....take note that there are more by dozens hundreds housand of them evolving as time passed.....
(can i motivator?.....not my kind of job XP.......hahaha...XP)
I spent nights & days (trying to grab some attention here) trying to figure out the 'DISEASES' that had causes some of my friends were defeated by it.....they came in many shapes & sizes..but one thing is certain........the disease itself came from the student habits & are some of it....the most common diseases student are facing everyday @ school.....
meet the 'tak kesah' influenza a.k.a T1K5N1
the symptoms: when a friend reminded you or asked you about your homework which should be handed in within an hour ,your reply would sound something like this " alah,tak penting akh" or "malas akh" etc.
treatment: remind yourself everyday or simply do the following: grabbed your handphone/telephone & dialled your friend`s home/mobile number & asked him?her in case you had forgotten.......
here another one it is called 'tawakal sudah' syndrome
symptoms: when asked about your preparation for the upcoming test YOUR answer obviously would be "takde mase tawakal sudah" etc.
treatment: well most synddrome couldn`t be cured & they said it is impossible but i did it....i managed to find a cure....i had proven that nothing is impossible.....mix with friends that had plan a step ahead...not those who plan an hour ahead...this is for STUDYING ONLY....HANGING OUT is different.....
despite this H1N1 disease is spreading worldwide....there this one disease that is much more dangerous that the SWINE's the
TMNB genes....aka 'TAK MINAT NAK BELAJAR' genes...(oo i almost scared myself)
this genes isn't the same genes you learnt in science classes but this one evolve within someone who lost sight of the knowledge....too bad this one (for those who has it) you alone can decide,friends & I can only support you.....
scared about these diseases?....take note that there are more by dozens hundreds housand of them evolving as time passed.....
(can i motivator?.....not my kind of job XP.......hahaha...XP)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
dear (put a word you like) readers,
Week one of school holiday had is week two....time seems to move so slow....there are three theories that i had thought of.......
theory number 1
it could be cause by the enviroment.....on which three of my fwens are on a holiday trip...while i`m stuck here with YOU-KNOW-WHO (no clues?'s a hint..._OL) me+_OL ---->under a condition of 'stuck here in s`pore' enviroment-----> is equal to MENDAK!!!!
thus the equation would be something like this: y(I+_OL)=MENDAK!!!!,where y is the 'stuck here in s'pore' enviroment
theory number 2
5 month a student's life was filled with so many activities that some even had forgotten what is FUN.....(hopefully none of you had encountered or will encounter this) when holiday came may be hard for a student to blend with the holiday thingy.....
thus this equation would be : (5m)(1mh)= undefined,where 1mh stands for 1 month holiday) (note that this equation can only be applied to a 100% COMMITTED STUDENT)
for those who are less/not committed : [(5m)(1mh)] / (5m) =1mh which also = FUN(:
theory number 3
some of us (not me) already gearing up for the next semester....their brains (not mine) are reaching a point at which potential energy is at the highest (what that suppose to do with MY theory) did nothing but study maths for those who failed in the mid-year ( that would [not] be me)....
as for this equation i find it (quite unacceptable as it) not my original formula but here it is : e=(mc)(mc) ,where e is 'everything' & mc is 'maths calculation'
(wow i did not know that i am so brilliant....this could be the next BIG thing.....hahaha)
Week one of school holiday had is week two....time seems to move so slow....there are three theories that i had thought of.......
theory number 1
it could be cause by the enviroment.....on which three of my fwens are on a holiday trip...while i`m stuck here with YOU-KNOW-WHO (no clues?'s a hint..._OL) me+_OL ---->under a condition of 'stuck here in s`pore' enviroment-----> is equal to MENDAK!!!!
thus the equation would be something like this: y(I+_OL)=MENDAK!!!!,where y is the 'stuck here in s'pore' enviroment
theory number 2
5 month a student's life was filled with so many activities that some even had forgotten what is FUN.....(hopefully none of you had encountered or will encounter this) when holiday came may be hard for a student to blend with the holiday thingy.....
thus this equation would be : (5m)(1mh)= undefined,where 1mh stands for 1 month holiday) (note that this equation can only be applied to a 100% COMMITTED STUDENT)
for those who are less/not committed : [(5m)(1mh)] / (5m) =1mh which also = FUN(:
theory number 3
some of us (not me) already gearing up for the next semester....their brains (not mine) are reaching a point at which potential energy is at the highest (what that suppose to do with MY theory) did nothing but study maths for those who failed in the mid-year ( that would [not] be me)....
as for this equation i find it (quite unacceptable as it) not my original formula but here it is : e=(mc)(mc) ,where e is 'everything' & mc is 'maths calculation'
(wow i did not know that i am so brilliant....this could be the next BIG thing.....hahaha)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
to ask or not to ask......
dear witness-ing readers,
due to some unhappy party (mungkin sdare mare dier) on calling her SOL, i hereby asking for her.......wait a minute why should i ask for forgiveness from her?.......the nickname suits her.....hahaha(sinister laughter)....okae2 fyne...i noe it's not right to call people names but she started it..(puppy eyes shimmering sparkling filled with innocent aura)<-buy it? as a gentleman (ehem)...i`ll ask for her forgiveness...... later.......hahahahaha......can't fit into my schedule......hahaha..anyway SOL stands for {sry it private & confidencial}...hahaha.......okae I ask for her forgiveness through this post.....
I am sorry ,SOL....Opps i did it again.......hahaha......
due to some unhappy party (mungkin sdare mare dier) on calling her SOL, i hereby asking for her.......wait a minute why should i ask for forgiveness from her?.......the nickname suits her.....hahaha(sinister laughter)....okae2 fyne...i noe it's not right to call people names but she started it..(puppy eyes shimmering sparkling filled with innocent aura)<-buy it? as a gentleman (ehem)...i`ll ask for her forgiveness...... later.......hahahahaha......can't fit into my schedule......hahaha..anyway SOL stands for {sry it private & confidencial}...hahaha.......okae I ask for her forgiveness through this post.....
I am sorry ,SOL....Opps i did it again.......hahaha......
Mukkhayyam 2009....
yo super-readers,
mukkhayyam 2009 was a blast(!!!!!!!).......but very tiring......coz all the Abang2 & Kakak2 involved needs to take care of the Adik2....they are fun and also a pain in/on the neck....
this is my journey/adventure from 3rd to 4th of June....
0630hrs : I moved out....from my house...and catched a bus to the waiting point...
0645hrs : 3 bus 23 passed yet my FREN was nowhere to be seen....
0715hrs (or so) :made my way to tampines to meet up wit my FREN who also waiting for another FREN....
0745hrs (i think):already half way in the bus.....already late.....& i already saw 6 23 bus within a day....
0815+hrs :reached up with Hanzalah....and my team is called AL-Waqiah.....
0900 - 1900hrs :had some activities....ate.....perform our prayer then had some more activities and ate some more..perform our prayer...
2000 - 2300 :recite the Quran.....then Ustz Ahmad Zaki gave a sermon.....My FREN & I made a 'base' and 'boundaries' between the Abang2 & the Adik2....
4th June 2009
0030-0400hrs :couldn't sleep....sent text messages to some FREN just to kill the time.....talked to Haziq......then the funniest or the weirdest thing happened...i slept exactly 0400hrs..haha...
0536hrs :woke up....went to take my ablution....perform Subuh prayers...recite the Quran.....
0900 - 1600hrs :Halal race!!!!!!!!!!....prize group was THE MOST DISCIPLINE GROUP........woooo.....
1630 - 1900 :hang out for a while....then went to Tampines One....which really dull......went to blk 8 something something.....picked up a hamster....then my FREN strummed the guitar like a 'PRO'...haha.....went to my uncle`s house but went home right a way after found out they weren't
mukkhayyam 2009 was a blast(!!!!!!!).......but very tiring......coz all the Abang2 & Kakak2 involved needs to take care of the Adik2....they are fun and also a pain in/on the neck....
this is my journey/adventure from 3rd to 4th of June....
0630hrs : I moved out....from my house...and catched a bus to the waiting point...
0645hrs : 3 bus 23 passed yet my FREN was nowhere to be seen....
0715hrs (or so) :made my way to tampines to meet up wit my FREN who also waiting for another FREN....
0745hrs (i think):already half way in the bus.....already late.....& i already saw 6 23 bus within a day....
0815+hrs :reached up with Hanzalah....and my team is called AL-Waqiah.....
0900 - 1900hrs :had some activities....ate.....perform our prayer then had some more activities and ate some more..perform our prayer...
2000 - 2300 :recite the Quran.....then Ustz Ahmad Zaki gave a sermon.....My FREN & I made a 'base' and 'boundaries' between the Abang2 & the Adik2....
4th June 2009
0030-0400hrs :couldn't sleep....sent text messages to some FREN just to kill the time.....talked to Haziq......then the funniest or the weirdest thing happened...i slept exactly 0400hrs..haha...
0536hrs :woke up....went to take my ablution....perform Subuh prayers...recite the Quran.....
0900 - 1600hrs :Halal race!!!!!!!!!!....prize group was THE MOST DISCIPLINE GROUP........woooo.....
1630 - 1900 :hang out for a while....then went to Tampines One....which really dull......went to blk 8 something something.....picked up a hamster....then my FREN strummed the guitar like a 'PRO'...haha.....went to my uncle`s house but went home right a way after found out they weren't
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
An incident not reported on the newspaper
dear (put an adjective or something & the following word ending with -lly) reader,
4 friends went to a theme park on the 31 May of them,SOL,has 3 tickets for free entry to the theme park which means one of them,BIB,needs to buy a ticket which IS(& will always be) costly(& choke blood*cekik darah*)......(:....
after a long queueing (it was really long) , SOL asked the counter about the validity of the free tickets (which was a lucky move...wanna know..continue reading) the clerk (or whatever the person @ the counter is called) said......
"This one was for yesterday,"flipping the ticket to the other side.
they all laughed sarcastically....
They then went to a hub (pub also can....please laugh sarcastically(:...) and grabbed FREE CANDY FLOW book for bowling under the name of RRK....they were number 26...they queue has just reached a SINGLE-DIGIT NUMBER....soon they made their way to an arcade....BIB vs RRK air hoc.....the result should had been better if not for SOL intefering (JOKE).....then they played basketball(their combo can defeat Lakers & Rockets in one game......*laugh sarcastically*(::).....then they ate @ the beach....sabo2....went home......
PS:the person queueing after them at the bowling alley (number 27),well i don`t know what happened to him/her...hope you cursed RRK but watched out for SS....
peace,*laugh sarcastically*
4 friends went to a theme park on the 31 May of them,SOL,has 3 tickets for free entry to the theme park which means one of them,BIB,needs to buy a ticket which IS(& will always be) costly(& choke blood*cekik darah*)......(:....
after a long queueing (it was really long) , SOL asked the counter about the validity of the free tickets (which was a lucky move...wanna know..continue reading) the clerk (or whatever the person @ the counter is called) said......
"This one was for yesterday,"flipping the ticket to the other side.
they all laughed sarcastically....
They then went to a hub (pub also can....please laugh sarcastically(:...) and grabbed FREE CANDY FLOW book for bowling under the name of RRK....they were number 26...they queue has just reached a SINGLE-DIGIT NUMBER....soon they made their way to an arcade....BIB vs RRK air hoc.....the result should had been better if not for SOL intefering (JOKE).....then they played basketball(their combo can defeat Lakers & Rockets in one game......*laugh sarcastically*(::).....then they ate @ the beach....sabo2....went home......
PS:the person queueing after them at the bowling alley (number 27),well i don`t know what happened to him/her...hope you cursed RRK but watched out for SS....
peace,*laugh sarcastically*
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